February Progress
February was a busy month for me as I got a bit behind on my major project, the IPE animation for Dell Health. But luckily I have some good news!
We’re halfway there!
We now have 4 out of 8 IPE animation done! I believe with the current progress, we’ll have all animations done by April 1st. Here’s one of the completed animations to show how they are looking so far.
I realize that the main challenge I come across with the animations is delivering the narration through the visuals in an engaging way while also being clear to understand. Sometimes there are terms that are too specific or broad for me to display in an icon or a looping character animation.
We also have yet to get completed client reviews on the first pair of animations sent over so hopefully that won’t impede the process.
That’s all I have for February to be honest. Given my timeline, this will most likely be the project I talk about in March too haha. But I look forward to seeing it come together!