Project 1: Polls
Started on: Jan 27th, 2024
Staff Guidance: Chris Pittman
Description: The aim of this project is to incorporate the PDF integration into UT Instapoll. This features help student to download all of the poll responses as a study guide for a test. The PDF study guide comprises all of the questions, answers and the correct answer choices.
Documenting my thought process for this project. There will be two parts:
- Creating the route, the controller, the blade template.
- Transform the Blade Template into PDF
1. Create the route, the controller and the blade template:
Route: This step establishes the URL end point to let the user access to get the PDF. For this, I chose teacher/course/1/poll_pdf.

Controller: The controller part controls the logic of back-end behind this operation. It will get the polls from the database so that I can access the question, response and the correct answer choices.

Blade Template: The blade template displays the HTML with all of the poll responses and correct responses. The template for the PDF is still in consideration.

HTML Result: The result looks something like this.

2. Part 2 is still in progress
This part, I still need to integrate the library to get PDF integration working.
Project 2: Qualtrics-LTI
Started on: Jan 20th, 2024
Finished on: Jan 27th, 2024
Staff Guidance: Chris Pittman
Description: Adding key and value to facilitate the process of adding these values onto the page.