This is what my code looks like in testing/in reality. (It’s still a bit rough but would be polished by the time it rolls out!!)
Current Sta
By Sanika Bhave
By Sanika Bhave
Project: Canvas Appstore
Completion status: Started October 19 2018 and FINISHED November 14 2018!
Staff guidance: Chris Pittman
STA team members: Jac
Description/plans: Build the interface for UT”s Appstore which will house different downloadable features to Canvas.
It is CRAZY to be writing this post. I can’t believe that my first (and big!) project is completely done. I wish I’d taken original photos from the very beginning that way I’d be able to do a better before/after but I suppose those are notes for next time. Here’s the home page after the very first day or working to the final coded version:
Transformed into…
And the Install page!
Chris & the admin that I met with said that the Appstore should go into testing sometime this week & would be put out for actual use next semester! HOW COOL! 🙂
By Nick Lavigne
One of the biggest improvements I’ve made to the Persian site is to the layout. The first thing I did was add an @media css rule to change the number of columns based on the screen width. That looks like this in the CSS:
basically when the screen gets to width 800px we go from 2 columns to 1 column so that things aren’t squished together.
This is how that looks in the real world:
By Nick Lavigne
I’ve been working on getting the “accordions” to work with Persian site and Stacy thought it would be a good learning experience to implement it myself with javascript.
What I have so far is a script that essentially the hidden elements by changing their display from “none” to “block”.I then added this to the wordpress site using wp_enqueue_script to attach it to all single_functions.php
The result so far is a little jarring but eventually I will add animations and fix the layout so that it looks better.
Here’s the link! https://learning-persian.la.utexas.edu/conversations-of-iran-today/function/greetings/
By Sanika Bhave
I’ve got some pretty cool news. Today I attended my first UI meeting with Marla. I showed her & other administrators the website so far & answered some questions about the design. Chris and I are EXTREMELY close to finishing the second (and final!!!) part of the Appstore, we’re just waiting on Jac’s approval so that we can either roll it out to testing or make some changes.
But, here’s the final home page!
Here’s also the second page minus Chris’ edits:
By Kathy Vong