Basic Training: Green Screen Editing
Yesterday (or should I say Friday), I did the green screen training. It was super simple. I learned a new way to cut out an object, so that’s definitely something!
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Today, I got an assignment to create some Canvas graphics and a PowerPoint template for the basic English Lit TAs’ orientation. For now, I’m going with the dark blue from the UT secondary palette. Ideally, I would associate English lit with brown, but that’s not a brand color. Blue it is. So far, I’ve done the Canvas callout buttons:
It’s pretty smooth sailing so far. On Monday, I’ll do the rest of the Photoshop work for the Canvas dashboard and home page banner.
UPDATE: I have to redo them on Monday with new text! No problem, though.
The past week has been busy, but very fulfilling! I’ve been working on an assortment of Basic Training modules as well as digital studio backgrounds. Just recently, I finished the basic training for Cascade, and below is a screenshot of my test site:
I started working on the intermediate training for Cascade as well. I themed it off Berlin, one of my favorite cities and place I have a lot of opinions about.
By Miguel Yapur
I started my new assignment to redesign the UT Search Committee Workshop.
The original intro slide uses UT’s orange gradient with colonial columns as a background, which the client wants to replace with a picture of the Barbara Jordan Statue or of Barbara Jordan instead.
Here are some pictures that could be used as a background instead:
Since the client is open to the idea of a darker background with lighter font, I made some edits to the above pictures to bring out a cohesive look to the whole document and applied some gradients:
These are my favorite drafts with Isidora Sans Bold, the font that the client wants to use:
The client also wants to go away from UT’s orange bar at the top of the slides:
So that would go away as well, replaced by a darker background with an off-black tone. Maddy made a great suggestion of making some kind of shape that would align with the title and “pop” above the black and greyscale color scheme, so I’m going to look into that.
By Miguel Yapur
Today I worked on and finished my Cascade Site. I added content to the right navigation bar, embedding a video from Youtube, a button to more news, and color bars for internal and external pages. I also added unit_information content like Suloni’s picture, related links, social media links, map links to the California Academy of Science
I also added a Contact Us page:
Added the Magic folder and created the two new pages (abra cadabra):
Added Staff and Faculty info through the COLA Web Editor:
Today, I did most of the Cascade editor basic training. I had a lot of fun with the fake news and event stories. It took my entire shift (4 hours today), but I had a good time making the fake site.