Current Sta
By Kathy Vong
By Nick Lavigne
I just want to thank everyone I’ve met over my 1 1/2 years here at LAITS. It’s been a pleasure and it truly was an amazing way to start in the tech industry and I recommend it if you are trying to get started in either graphic design or programming. Everyone here is incredibly talented and Suloni was an amazing boss. I will miss her and everyone else I’ve worked with over my time here. I never would’ve thought I’d get to work at Microsoft right out of college, I always thought it was a far away dream. LAITS gave me experience and knowledge to pursue my dream and make it a reality and I will forever be grateful for that. I will be working on Azure AI at Microsoft which, honestly, I have no idea what that entails, but it sounds awesome. It’s been a crazy fun ride here and I’m so so glad I got to experience it. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything else.
By Nick Lavigne
Justice from the Center for African & African American Studies wanted me to reorganize the current list of faculty publications in Cascade which looked like this:
they first wanted a collage as for the masthead which I just made in photoshop:
I then organized the rest of the publications using HTML tables which is basically the only thing you can do within the confines of cascade so now it looks like this:
For those interested the code for this looks like this:
We basically just set up a table with 4 sections each of 25% width which divides the table into 4 columns. If you want to see the live result on the website here’s the link: https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/caaas/faculty/books.php
By Sanika Bhave
So, I started working on a Theatre Philosophy project with Stacy. This is my first time working with WordPress and Python, so it’s been a different experience. Here are photos of some before/after work that was simply just displaying the content onto the page. However, today I met with Stacy and it turns out that the client wants to take a little bit different of a direction so stay tuned for changes to this site!
By Sanika Bhave
Today I did my first COLA ID with Suloni’s help! I’d never used PhotoShop before so it was definitely both a learning and cool experience. I know that this ID is not the best … but the original image that we had to work with was very very poor. As Suloni put it, this ID reflects “Sanika’s best handiwork, but not the photographer’s best handiwork.” I actually really liked working with the IDs and I assigned myself a couple more so that’s fun!
By Nick Lavigne
The next thing I did was make every section of the site styled with an inline block like so:
This prevents a section from breaking into separate columns like this:
and instead looks like this: