Germanic Studies Flyer Pt.2
Here are some updated designs of the flyer that I have been working on, and the ones I showed Dr. Boas on our meeting. Since then, I’ve sent him a link to a box folder with these drafts so that his team can give me some feedback. Specially considering the final product for this design is not only going to be a printed flyer, but apparently also a digital flyer, as well as a printed poster.
Option 1 – Title aligned to the right, No person, in: Blue, Purple, & Red
Option 2 – Title aligned to the right, Yes person, in: Blue, Purple, & Red
Option 3 – Title aligned to the top, One with Berlin TV Tower, One with Person climbing (positioning tbh), and One with pointier, Alpine-looking mountain range behind
Option 3 (cont.)
– Requested version with a round sun and clouds
And a quick pitch for title placement that could work well with the posters, since those should have a designated spot for a QR code.