Last. Blog. Post.
Wow… I can’t believe my last day as an STA has finally come. Words can’t quite fully grasp my experience here at LAITS over the past 2 years. I’ve grown so much as a designer (literally didn’t know anything about Adobe Creative Suite!!!), as well as a person in general. Over 2 years ago, I was pondering about what I would be doing professionally, while enjoying what I do. And coming from a biology/science background, I felt like I was restrained in a pre-health profession. B U T, donut fret – I have heard about medical illustration, and the thought of even approaching the field wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for my Design STA position at LAITS. I’m proud to say that I can capable of drawing lines and shapes in Photoshop! Hooray! 😉
But in all seriousness, I sincerely wanted to thank Suloni & my STA team, as well as all the LAITS fam bam. They have been more than patient, kind, put up with my sarcastic jokes and weirdness, and they never hesitated to answer my dumb questions or to teach me new skills. LAITS is a special place, where we don’t just provide aid to the UT community, but we also help EVERYONE grow, both as professionals and as good human beans. I am so grateful for my opportunity, and even though I am frankly nervous to enter the ~real~ world as an adult, I am ready to take on the world with all the skills and experiences I have built up over the past few years.
So here’s to looking back at all the great mems that made me who I am, and to all the great future endeavors to everyone at LAITS and beyond!!! Thank y’all for everything.