WJS Remaining Room views
Character Design
I’ve been putting this assignment off for a loooooonnggg time. But I was detirmined to finish it.
I think the eyes still kinda freak me out. (and looking at it here, the colors are a little weird.)
WJS Progress shots
Heres a compilation of some of the progress shots for what Jane saw project.
What Jane Saw Progress Shots
Here’s the mockup I devised for the spotlight on the navigation map.
Since the spotlight seems to be so starkly different from every other aspect of the navigation, I would like to suggest using the image in another part of the site, rather than bending over backwards to incorporate a distracting anomaly for the sake of something that proves to be redundant. I had doubts about the spotlight even as I suggested it.
Here are my progress shots of various room views in the what Jane Saw template:
Timesheet Spreadsheet Template
To my fellow STAs who use google docs,
I’ve whipped up a quick spreadsheet that automatically calculates your hours for the day. So if you don’t care for calculating hours at the end of every pay period. Feel free to copy it to your docs as you please.
Here’s a link to a blank template for it: