Illustration Test
Here is what I ended up with for my illustration test. I could probably have done more with the coloring by adding some shadows and textures but I needed to move on and work on other projects.
By Emily Park
By Emily Park
Today I started working on my illustration test for the Russian Online Course project. The criteria for my illustration is that it must contain one character, one animal, and a background. Before I began working on my illustration I read through the illustration tutorials for the Russian project. After that, I began sketching out ideas for my scene. I decided to illustrate a girl and her pet cat eating in an outdoor seating area of a cafe. I am not used to illustrating on Photoshop so it took me awhile to get a hang of thing but this is what I have so far.
I definitely need to learn how to use an digital drawing tablet if I am going to continue illustrating because using the pen tool for entire scenes is way too time consuming.
By Emily Park
Over the past week I began my COLA ID Photo Training. Estella ran through the steps with me and I began working on my assigned COLA IDs right away.
These were the four IDs that I completed and uploaded:
I also began working on the Texas Beyond History project. I met with Stacy Vlasits and he introduced me to the project and taught me the basic coding functions I needed to understand how to clean up the code and attach the master template to the TBH pages. I used Adobe Dreamweaver for the first time and it was pretty similar to the software I have used prior (SublimeText). I started working on the templates and have run into a few problems and errors that I do not know how to fix. I will meet up with Stacy again next week to review the pages I have already finished and go over the pages I am having trouble with. In the screenshot below you can see I have gotten through about half of the templates (the purple highlighted ones are the ones I have run into problems).
That’s it!
By Emily Park
Today was my first Monday on the job! I’m starting to get a hang of navigating through BaseCamp to see what needs to be worked on during a shift. Today I worked on my Portrait Caricature assignment and here is what I ended up with!Illustration has always been a challenge for me because I never really had any experience in drawing before I started studying design a couple of years ago. Naturally, I was a little nervous going into this assignment but overall I’m pretty happy with what I ended up with. I’m excited to progress my drawing and illustration skills while working as an STA and am looking forward to the week ahead!
By Emily Park
Hello! I’m Emily and this is my second day as a STA. Over the past two days, I have gone through STA Orientation and was even given the chance to work on one of the ongoing projects.
As a part of Orientation I went over the STA Handbook with Suloni and made a few Powerpoint slides to show my understanding of the handbook.
I chose to use a minimalist layout and simple iconographic illustrations. It was helpful receiving prompt feedback from Suloni and Jac, both of whom advised me to choose higher contrasting colors in the future. This is especially important when creating visuals meant for web display.
I was excited to begin working on one of the projects. Rodrigo taught me how to use Canvasser and I began working on the re-pass for the Computer Support Pages.
I went through and linked the fonts, made the top header interactive, and inserted photos onto the “How to Connect to a Network Drive” page.
Overall, the last couple of days have been pretty eventful and I am looking forward to working as an STA.
By Emily Park