Cleaned a computer and workstation
Tried to improve contrast on hebrew layout. Still not great. Suggestions?
Been sick, probably won’t make the hours this week 🙁
By Emma Whelan
Cleaned a computer and workstation
Tried to improve contrast on hebrew layout. Still not great. Suggestions?
Been sick, probably won’t make the hours this week 🙁
By Emma Whelan
-Styled Hebrew layout for the video page.
Here’s a second version with the video embedded:
-Reworked Humpty icon. Drew a few in Illustrator but the oval is difficult. Eventually scanned a hand rendering and took its contours. The top right is the one I plan to implement into the layout.
It can be placed there or there:
-Added Humpty layouts and new icon to basecamp for AJ.
-Made a rough layout for the laetoli drawing.
-Filled out time sheet. Was a 1.75 hours short this week 😡
Also can we talk about how amazing this is:
By Emma Whelan
Worked on a new humpty…he looks too cartoony. It’s the one in the top left corner but I still prefer the old one. Think I will remake him again
By Emma Whelan
-Fixed activity background to be less heavy by reducing opacity. It now looks like this:
Still need to rework the Humpty graphic.
-Meeting with client regarding the laeotoli footprint scene.
Set Nov. 2nd to receive National Geographic image. Original drawing due Nov. 8th.
points to include:
-proper proportions
-protruding lower face
-acadia trees and bushes
-one large follows the path of front two which are large and small
By Emma Whelan
-Brainstormed the layout for Hebrew
-Created wire frames for Hebrew home, video, and tutorial pages in Fireworks
-Made final mock ups for Humpty.
-added multiple language menu page
-new hebrew humpty welcome menu. more colors. has practice button in screen. re-drew a cleaner humpty
-simplified colors in activity screen
To do:
-Drupal configuration
-Create more wireframes for Hebrew
-Develop page design for Hebrew
-Meet next week about footprint art
By Emma Whelan
-Met with AJ about final stages of Humpty Mockups
-Met with Ming to learn Fireworks for Hebrew page Mockups