Texas German Retractable Banner #10
Client/Prof: Margaret Blevins
Completion Status: Started on Sept 21
Staff Guidance: De’sha
Started on a new banner! Here is what I have so far:
TGDP Banner Exports (PNGs and JPGs)
Client/Prof: Margaret Blevins
Completion Status: Started on Sept 21
Staff Guidance: De’sha
This week I also worked on exporting past banners as JPGs and PNGs so that the files would able to be displayed on websites. It was at first a challenge because the folders were challenging to navigate and some asset files were missing which made it impossible to link things in InDesign and make the quality go up. Luckily De’Sha found a way to export as JPGs and PNGs from the PDF files, so I started working with that workflow after a certain point.
Logo Design Training
Completion Status: Started on Sept 20
Staff Guidance: De’sha
Started working on the logo design training! The goal is to make a personal logo, ideally one for me that matches my website. I’m not sure I like the way it’s going, but here’s some different versions of what I have so far: