Week 19
RACE Lab Logo
project: Resilience and Adversity (in) Children’s Ecology Lab Logo
Client /Prof: Professor Ibekwe-Okafor
completion status: Started March 2, 2023
staff guidance: Maddy and Valerie
description/plans: Design a logo/branding for Prof. Ibekwe-Okaforwork that can be used on her website.
To be completed: before Summer
- key terms: access, resilience, systems (Brunfenbrenner), education, early development, adversity, & black joy
- steer away from explicit political imagery and colors (red and blue)
- color: neutrals, earth tones, greenery
- layers and systems to the way people develop
UTFC – City Image Search 9.2
project: UTFC – City Image Search 9.2
Client /Prof: Kyle
staff guidance: Leilani
STA team members: Leilani
- Google the city and search for important landmarks
- Find up to 5 high-quality images of buildings to include in the folder.
- Find up to 2 cultural images (statues, markets, food, etc) to include in the folder.
- When I have found all the images, upload them to the box folder and share the box link to basecamp for approval from Leilani
To be completed: March 8, 2023
- An issue I ran into during this image search is that there are very few copyright-free AND high-quality photos of Fa’a’ā. The selection increases when you search Papeʻete (the city Fa’a’ā is a suburb of), Tahiti, or Polynesia but I know Adrian is sourcing images for Pape’ete. This is definitely a challenge;p
Project: STA cut-outs
Client: LAITS
started on: February 22, 2023
staff guidance: Maddy, Valerie
STA team members: Adrian, Lorena, Carrie, Leilani
description/plans: Cut out STAs from the background and remove blue reflections/correct coloring.
- minor edits: Valerie got back to those working on the STA cut-outs with feedback. Mostly it’s removing additional blue reflections from the STA and their clothes. Also, major props to Carrie for doing so many of these so quickly– I admire her workflow!!! :0
Chris (before/ after)
Robbie (before/after)