Week LX
Top secret!
I’ve gotten approval to share this, but the actual purpose is still classified. All that needs to be said is that it’s a studio backdrop. This is my first time making an animated one, so I finally understand what keyframes are.
There’ll be a few more versions coming up, and you’ll see them all soon, I think?
TGDP Banner 5
Initially, I was trying to draft this in Photoshop, with placeholder blobs of text. That didn’t really work. The format here is pretty particular, with the length and hierarchy of various text blocks. This is where I got with actually making a vector draft:
Some stuff could still be fine-tuned… especially the image layout. This was really just my best attempt to fit the text and images at all, without considering eye flow too much. There’s probably a better way to structure it, though the volume and assymetry of material leaves not that much wiggle room.