Week 9
Project: French Connexion
Start: Oct 21th 2022
To be Completed: N/A
Staff Guidance: Maddy
This week I was mainly working with Marianne, our developer for this new site, about how to implement the design into the real site.
Here is what it looks like right now: https://frenchconnexions.net/
I also designed another page for a new added-section: Culture and Language.
Project: CTX Retold
Start: September 21th 2022
To be Completed: N/A
Staff Guidance: Maddy
Fonts: Dr. Gordon likes the CTX title in bigger title and the subtitles.
The quote placement: No darken color on top of the image but try to find a way to ensure the readability
Site color: The black background instead provide enough contrast or energy.
Previous Version:
New Version:
Project: UTFC Green Screen
Start: Oct 31th 2022
To be Completed: Nov 2nd 2022
Staff Guidance: De’sha and Yazz
For this project, I was assigned to find pictures of fabrics and materials images from from N’Djamena, Chad or Central Africa.
7.2B Fabrics and Material-Final Version