For my second week, I have been learning and practicing new skills for Web Dev Basics assignments.
Github is one of my favorite tool. It is the tool to share your coding project and for developers to work on their projects.
I have uploading my first repository to share some information about myself and also practice using Github to upload my future coding projects.
I have also learnt so many new things about the Website such as Clients and Servers, DNS, and Component Files,…
To reflect my understanding for Website, I made a powerpoint to summary everything I learnt.
After that, Inspect was the next tool that I learnt and applied. I could see the component files of a website using Inspect and know how to do changes on the website.
Last but not least, I really enjoy learning and practicing Web Accessibility Standards assignment. It provides a lot of valuable information about how we should design our website, the format of the information we want to share on our website.
I had the opportunity to work on analyzing different infographics and what we should do to improve the site’s accessibility. With the feedback from Ingrid, I have learnt a lot about the need of using Tab key to navigate where the users are on the website.
Overall, I have learnt a lot of valuable skills and hopefully I can apply them to produce the best products for the LAITS team.