Hello blog! I promise someday I will be better at keeping up with you. Recent activities:
Dana Center Carnegie Work
So far I’ve been on the sidelines of this project, but starting next Monday I’m going to start entering and formatting content for Carnegie case studies using templates made by Rachel. We ran into some roadblocks with not having updated InDesign on any of the Design Lab machines, so I’m either going to bring my laptop next week or work on a computer Mike set up in a studio on the 4th floor.
COLA Web Refresh
Chris and Michelle have Adrian and I working on reformatting the LACS “Where Students Intern” site. Here is the current site. Each “review” is a separate page in Cascade (currently here). The new, redesigned site will include accordions instead of separate pages. Screenshot (below). This is a fairly time-consuming task, because it’s full of a lot of information.
Personal News
On a more personal note, I’ve received an offer from GBH’s National Center for Accessible Media, a consulting group for digital accessibility efforts within a public broadcasting organization. I have a start date of May 30th at their Boston office, with the job title of Accessibility Analyst :~) I can’t overstate how excited and grateful I am for this opportunity. Thank you so much to Suloni, Valerie, and Michelle for being my references!!