Lesson 5: Color Update Pt.2
So, you might remember a while ago I made a Color Theory KB. If not, this image and link might remind you of it: http://sites.la.utexas.edu/kb/2021/04/08/5-color-color-theory/
Well, recently it went through two different rounds of feedback and I’ve made quite a few changes since I last worked on it, such as:
- Overall made things less wordy/professional (specially in the first information sections of the training)
- Added more noticeable headings and subheadings (like in the Primary/Secondary/Tertiary colors section)
- Switched around the terms tint/tone/shade in the text to match the order in the example graphic. Also, added a more detailed explanation as to how adding these to a hue works, and added the images Abriella provided for values
- Made the images in the Psychology of Colors section larger and more readable
- Edited the image in the monochromatic color scheme section to be a clearer example
- Added the game Abriella linked: https://color.method.ac/
- Fixed the Fun Fact text box that was previously cut off (the problem was the size of the image)
- Changed the second “color” in the following sentence to “hue,” as suggested: ‘Black, white, and gray are known as achromatic colors because they lack color to them.’
- Expanded on the general applications of each color wheel and added short blurb on RGB vs CMYK with screenshots of how to make a doc CMYK vs RGB in photoshop and Illustrator. (Also added the link to an additional source.)
- Replace all direct URL texts with the name of the article and website
So, feel free to check it out again and appreciate the many changes I’ve done