Quick Text Update on RUS412K
Just a text update today! As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been working on a bunch of PPT Video edits for the previous 2 semesters of the RUS online course. Those videos are in their final stages! I’m sending Dr. Rice the last videos for her to approve before she gives me the notes of which videos are being split into two parts. After the videos that need to be split are complete, the RUS406/407 videos should be complete and we can begin on the RUS412 Videos.
I also met with Dr. Rice on Friday to show her all of the wonderful assets that everyone has created for the animations, and she was super pleased with how everything was looking! She loved the backgrounds and variety in characters! Preproduction is almost complete for this first set of animations and I’m excited to get them finalized. I’m meeting with Dr. Rice on Friday to go over the next set of animations!