Project: Age of Globalization Icon
Completion status: Complete (July 29th)
Staff guidance: Suloni
Description/plans: Created an icon to represent the tobacco industry for video presentation
By Tuan Tang
Project: Age of Globalization Icon
Completion status: Complete (July 29th)
Staff guidance: Suloni
Description/plans: Created an icon to represent the tobacco industry for video presentation
By Tuan Tang
Project: LAH Feature Page
Completion status: Complete (July 25th)
Staff guidance: Suloni
Description/plans: Uploaded a LAH feature onto Cascade
By Tuan Tang
Project: Pillow Lab Site on WordPress
Completion status: In progress (July 18th)
Staff guidance: Andre, Kei, Leroy
Description/plans: Importing data from old website onto WordPress, first time on the WP
By Tuan Tang
Project: Plan II Forty Acres Scholars Feature
Completion status: Complete (July 18th)
Staff guidance: None
Description/plans: Created banner, individual student photo (including editing), and uploaded onto the Cascade server
By Tuan Tang
Project: Personal Site
Completion status: In Progress (July 12th)
Staff guidance: None
Description/plans: Another Mockup
By Tuan Tang