New batch of COLA IDs
Lectures Online Icon Design – B&W
Project: Lectures Online Icon Design
Description/Plans: Design a 65 x 65 pix icon for Lectures online. (B&W)
UPDATE (12/04): Main Idea and icon
UPDATE (12/05): Added more white to the icon and exagerated a few features in order to make it more legible.
-Option 1
-Option 2:
More Defined:
Had to outline the face so some separation is visible, not sure about the grass on black and white.. it looks like the girl and laptop are on fire..
Lectures Online Icon Design – Color
Project:Lectures Online Icon Design
Description/Plans:Design a 65 x 65 pix icon for Lectures online. (Color)
(12/06): First draft + general idea
Lectures Online – Mockups Pages
Project: Mock Up pages for Lectures online
Description/Plans: Create different mock up pages for the icons with the color palettes provided.
Russian 601 graphics (Small update)
Worked on some hand sketches and looked at many reference images.
Started with watercolor, but realizing that the scanner won’t pick up all the information needed. Edited the scanned image in photoshop, added in a placeholder for the actual map.
psd draft e3w
Mock up 1
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