Project:Social Endocrinology Lab Site Design
Completion status: In Progress
Description/plans: Design a site for the Social Endocrinology Lab at UT.
A Nation of Immigrants? History, Politics, and Immigration Reform
Project:“A Nation of Immigrants? History, Politics, and Immigration Reform” Event Flyer
Completion status: Completed 09/05/13
Description: Designing a flyer for an event, “A Nation of Immigrants? History, Politics, and Immigration Reform”, hosted by the Center for Asian American Studies.
LLILAS Toward “Concilation” in Guatemala Feature Banner
Project:LLILAS Toward “Concilation” in Guatemala Feature Banner
Completion status: Completed 08/15/13
Description/plans: Design a banner to be used for the “Toward “Concilation” in Guatemala: Two Guatemalan Perspective Feature.
LLILAS BENSON Feature Banner
Project:LLILAS Benson Feature Banner
Completion status: Completed 08/15/13
Description/plans: Design a banner to be used as a Feature for the announcing of LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections.
Constructing the Muslim Enemy: From the Crusades to 9/11 Event Flyer
Project:Constructing the Muslim Enemy: From the Crusades to 9/11 Event Flyer
Completion status: Completed 08/14/13
Description/plans: Designing a flyer for an event, Constructing the Muslim Enemy: From the Crusades to 9/11, hosted by the Center for Asian American Studies.
Liberal Arts Honors Banner
Project: Liberal Arts Honors Banner: Sam Hagan
Completion status: 7/15/13
Description/plans: Designing and editing an image for a Liberal Arts Honors Feature on Sam Hagan.