Project:Sociology Feature Article
Description/Plans: Create an article layout for the new sociology feature.
UPDATE (10/22):
UPDATE (10/23): Final Layout
By Alex Garcia
Project:Sociology Feature Article
Description/Plans: Create an article layout for the new sociology feature.
UPDATE (10/22):
UPDATE (10/23): Final Layout
By Alex Garcia
Project:Black&White Yours Truly Scenarios
Staff Guidance: None
Description/Plans: Create black and white scenarios for Yours Truly.
By Alex Garcia
Project:Yours Truly Character Scenarios
Completion Status: Completed
Description/Plans: Create scenarios for Yours Truly characters in collage form
By Alex Garcia
Project:Economics Job Market Candidates Photo-Editing
Staff Guidance: None
Description/plans: Providenicely edited and cropped photos for this years Economics Job Candidate page.
Sample Edits (Before & After):
Final Crops:
Mock-Up Page:
By Alex Garcia
Project:AoG Title Cards
Staff Guidance: Suloni
Description/plans: Create320x180.pngtitle cards for a special low-res version of the AoG course.
By Alex Garcia
Project: Monfils’ Fear Memory Lab Mockups
Completion Status: In progress.
Description/Plans: Create a banner and design for Monfils’ Fear Memory Lab, a lab that seeks to better understand how fear associations are acquired and stored into long-term memory using rats as subjects.