Project:Lectures Online Icon Design
Description/Plans:Design a 65 x 65 pix icon for Lectures online. (Color)
(12/06): First draft + general idea
By Alex Garcia
Project:Lectures Online Icon Design
Description/Plans:Design a 65 x 65 pix icon for Lectures online. (Color)
(12/06): First draft + general idea
By Alex Garcia
Project: Mock Up pages for Lectures online
Description/Plans: Create different mock up pages for the icons with the color palettes provided.
By Alex Garcia
Project:Change E3W site design
Description/Plans:Change E3W homepage design (just a bit!) so it looks like the E3W Archive site.
Modified Site:
By Alex Garcia
Project:Develop faculty profile page on Google Sites: Sabine Hake
Description/Plans:Move webspace faculty profile pages and content onto Google Sites platform
Google Site:
By Alex Garcia
Project:Editing of Floor plans for Application
Description/Plans: ‘Clean-up’ floorplans that will later be uploaded to a new app.
Example 1 (Before):
Example 1 (After):
Example 2 (Before):
Example 2 (After):
By Alex Garcia
Project:Sociology Feature banner
Description/Plans: Create a banner for the Sociology Feature
UPDATE (10/22): Changed font color to improve contrast with background
UPDATE (10/23): Final