Immigration & European Soccer Course Promo
Project: Immigration & European Soccer Course Promo
Client: Dr. Hans C. Boas
Completion Status: Done! (And in about 4 days, I’m impressed)
Staff Guidance: Suloni Robertson
STA Team Members: Cristina (it me)
Description/Plans: To design and art-direct the promo material material for the GSD course on Immigration & European Soccer.
Client Direction:
Pick one of the following taglines, and add the call to action “Learn more about European soccer and immigration in GSD s310 IMMIGRATION AND EURO SOCCER this summer!”
– “For Immigrants, Soccer Is often more than a Sport”
– “Diversity at Play: Immigration and France’s Soccer Team”
– “What a Soccer Scandal Says About Dog-Whistle Politics”
– “Germany Wants to Unite People Hosting Soccer’s Euro 2024”
They also gave me the following images as inspiration and possibly to work with as well, but I didn’t see any of those as a potential good fit.
So I decided to look for images on my own that were for sure free to use, and I found this picture of some soccer shoes resting over a ball, in the middle of a field, which I thought showed great potential. Then I revisited the client’s potential taglines and noticed that they were not focused on a specific country. Some mentioned Germany, some France, and one mentioned the 2024 UEFA European Football Championship. SoI decided that representing a single country wasn’t enough, and decided to look for an image that represented European culture as a whole, and I stumbled upon the European Union flag. From there, an idea was born… (This was my original quick draft to propose the general idea).
I went through a few different iterations trying to edit the ball properly. First, I masking the shape of the ball was a challenge because of the pattern in the original image and the shading. I was able to remove the color, but with it, the texture and lines of the ball were messed up. So I looked for a different copyright-free image that was the closest thing to a monochromatic ball I could find, and used that to mimic the texture and shading of the ball. Then I had to fix the color of the overlayed image of the EU flag. Next, when I tried to translate this idea into the printed promo formats, the hues of the ball came off way duller than in the original. Turns out, that blue is one of the hardest colors to translate from RGB and CMYK. The more you know! Anyhow, I compromised and remade the design fully on CYMK, since most of the deliverables required that color scheme anyway. Long story short, here’s how everything turned out!