Miscellaneous Tasks
Howdy y’all. This week I didn’t work on many new projects that you don’t already know about. I will be updating you all on those, so keep an eye out for my upcoming posts. But for now, let me talk to you guys about some of the smaller tasks I completed this week.
First off, one of the biggest news of the week is that Tuesday was the last work day of two of our STAs; Athena, who started out at the same time as I did a little over a year ago; and Jake, who has been a core STA since before I joined the program. So, following our good ole farewell tradition we have here at the Design/WebDev STA team, I made two goodbye cards this week. They were really cool too. I made sure to personalize the design a bit, so I made Athena’s tennis related, and Jake’s more tech/game related. I won’t add them to this post because it feels weird to post about what is supposed to be a heartfelt gesture. But just so you know, those were two of the minor tasks I completed this week.
Another miscellaneous task I completed this week was a mandatory UT training, specifically the Information Security Awareness training. Not much to say about that. I just watched the videos, completed the tests, and overall reinforced my knowledge on information security. Which, if you may not know, is the kind of security related to password protection, viruses, email scams, etc.
Finally, I worked on a some blog related stuff. As in, we are holding a Blog Banner Contest to determine the new design for the blog banner. This was not a mandatory assignment, but I had some inspiration over the weekend and some time this week to get it done, so I went for it. I also tested them with the old STA caricatures and they both looked neat. I’m not even thinking about the contest to be honest, I’m just happy I designed a cool looking retro banner, hehe.
Here are the two designs I proposed:
Nevermind… It’s a secret
Oh, I also worked on editing my blog caricature too, but it’s not worth uploading. I just made my hair longer, but it’s the same design, hehe.