Chinese Zodiac:
Finished rabbit and shrubbery.
Need to start on dog illustration.
Met with Emily to discuss redesign/WP importation.
By Christine Wu
Chinese Zodiac:
Finished rabbit and shrubbery.
Need to start on dog illustration.
Met with Emily to discuss redesign/WP importation.
By Sarah Medina
Pinyin zodiac animal illustration
– Started horse illustration
– Need to finish scenery for sheep, finish horse & scenery
Hebrew language redesign
– Met with Ming to go over changes
LACS migration
– Continuing corrections
– Met with Ming to set timeline
By Kathy Chung
By Emma Whelan
By Emma Whelan
3 hours
-Tried accessing COLA id’s but do not have the proper permissions yet? Cannot access the specified folder.
-Gave body shading to Laetoli people.
-Put a light effect on the tree to darken/highlight some parts.
-Created a second version with body shadows. Not sure how successful they are right now.
By Emma Whelan
-Added more gradients to giraffes and elephants
-Removed some of the ground stains
-Improved highlights
-Imported file into Photoshop
-Began shading woman and child