Matt’s mouth

Matt’s upper body

Josh’s full body

Stephanie’s full body
By Mai-Thi Le
Matt’s mouth
Matt’s upper body
Josh’s full body
Stephanie’s full body
By Amy Cheng
By Josh Leong
RBTL : Third Phase Changes Complete
TBH : IE issue identified as unsupported CSS, going through each one and testing whether it affects the page positively.IE7specific issue.
TBH: Trans-Pecos Exhibit, add maps, create reference XML points
TBH: Kids Page completed by Heather
Flash Project:
Visual Elements:
Application Behavior:
Interactive Portions:
Data & Media
By Andrew King
Date: 7/06/07 9:05am
Mood: Nostalgic
Was it so recently that I sat in this chair, amidst STA Orientation, asking myself who are these crazy people and what have I gotten myself into..? Ah, and now, almost a year later, I can’t help but wonder how I managed to survive TWO ENTIRE SEMESTERS with the crazies that Gary hired. Sometimes I feared for my life… you know, when I would be annoying everyone in the lab and then Lindsay would get really, really mad at me? Those were the days. But alas, it is time for me to go, to spread my wings and drift rapidly toward the ground as I flap frantically.
I will miss you computer lab… I will miss you trash can that only got dumped when banana peels and coke cans were pouring out of it… I will miss you dry erase board that, to my knowledge, has never once been used for any work-related reasons, and instead was subjected to the torture of immature STA drawings and Kyle’s ramblings… I will miss you, unused PC computer. Remember that time I thought I might use you, but then after twenty seconds of waiting for Photoshop to open you froze, and I turned you off and never used you again? Heh, yeah… I’ll miss you too, Josh’s station. You never were the same after he left, but I take solace in the knowledge that wherever Josh is now, I know he has achieved “four monitor status…” Oh, and how could I forget you, weird and random paintings on the desktops? Or you, shelf for professors to drop off stuff at… or you, scanner bed that I put a bowl of ravioli sauce on, and Gary was apalled when he saw it and vowed to make some new “no food” policies, and everyone hated me, but then he didn’t do it and they pretended not to hate me anymore, but Gary secretly plans on instigating strict policies in the fall when, at the next STA Orientation instead of bringing donuts he brings peppermints from in front of Mike’s desk…… and you. You, you, you. Rollie chairs. Where would I have been without your smooth-gliding, STA-bumping-into rollie wheels? I would have had to walk. If I wanted to throw something away or look at someone else’s work, I would have had to stand up! But no, you took care of me, Rollie chairs. You made my job sitting in front of a computer that much more sedentary. And for that I salute you.
I love you, Rollie Chairs. I love you.
So now I must go, but I shall leave with this last message: If something ever happens to me and I go to that big STA lab in the sky… I hope someone will bring me cookies. Or a Dr Pepper. …or both.
Date: 6/22/07 7:50am
Mood: Pondersome
Hey gang, it’s me again! How have you been able to make it through the day without one of my oft hilarious, oft thoughtful blog posts… Hah-No, seriously, how?
Date: 5/2/07 11:40am
Mood: Siiiiiigh
I was going to have all theDVDsmade this morning, but instead I had hard drive failures and wasted all my time getting it working again. A-sigh.
Date: 5/1/07 9:26am
Mood: Traileriffic
Hoorayyy. Marissa helped me yesterday to turn my trailers intoDVDs, and she made one for me that is awwwesome. Except I have a list of things to change, but I’m sure she won’t mind… right?
Date: 4/30/07 11:10am
Mood: Chillin,’ still
Oh! And I got married weekend before last. That was cool. I’m going to get my wife to come to the STA partay.
Date: 4/30/07 11:09am
Mood: Chillin‘
Julio stole my commie hat! In other news, I found out why I was having problems with the Wiki (as far as uploading images). It turns out that when you open the wiki in Firefox, the image links do not work. I don’t know why, but they work just fine in Safari. For shame, Firefox. For shame. Between that and Firefox’s freakinginability to run streaming video from windows media player, they have lost favor with me. Still better than Explorer, but what is that saying, really?
Date: 4/17/07 3:55pm
Mood: Busy
Getting married Saturday… yup.
Date: 4/9/07 10:41am
Mood: Annoyed
Would someone please tell me why my images don’t work when I copy and paste the code? It’s annoying. Josh and I realized we have to change the titles of our pages because for instance this one is called “MyBlog,” but if anyone else does something with “MyBlog” it will link to my page. I want to change it to “AndrewMyBlog,” but when I copied and pasted the text, my images had ?’s next to them. Any ideas, people?
Date: 4/5/07 1:51pm
Mood: Paranoid
I keep wondering how long it will take for vandalism to appear in the STA wikis. I myself have been tempted to update the STA’s wikis that had none, but have resisted. But the thing is, when you are the King of the Wiki, you become a target. I will have to watch my back, that’s all I’m sayin’…
Date: 4/4/07 12:19pm
Mood: Contemplative
I want to express myself in a Haiku.
Working on Wiki
I’m no coder, I notice
But it’s still awesome.
Date: 4/4/07 11:50am
Mood: Ecstatic
Today I made an awesome wiki!
By Andrew King
ndrew King was born in Kilgore, Texas, in the Chinese year of the Rat. He was raised in Lubbock, Texas. There he learned various art forms, including the art of filmmaking, graphic design, and the art of coping with incredible boredom. He used his graphic design knowledge and his lack of having anything better to do to work at a local sign shop designing logos and signs. After turning the small sign shop into a multi-million dollar conglomerate, he moved to Austin to major in Film at UT.
Now, as a Student Technology Assistant in the LAITS department, Andrew employs his experience as a graphic artist and film student to make professors’ dreams come true with awesome drawings and amazing videos. His stellar personality and charming presence consistently enhance the lives of his clients, co-workers, employers, schoolmates, neighbors, passersby, government officials, celebrities, and world leaders.
In his free time, Andrew watches movies, drinks Dr Pepper, and hangs out with the love of his life (not the Dr Pepper, his wife). He also enjoys playing racquetball and writing humble, non-pretentious autobiographies.
By Kyle Goetz
Congratulations, Andrew!
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