Date: 8/2
Time: 3 hrs
I finally began working on the Cascade tutorial project. So far I have a really short bio, a new color scheme mostly worked out, a new title (my name), and the banner with all of the Ai portraits in it.
By Katie Tiller
Date: 8/2
Time: 3 hrs
I finally began working on the Cascade tutorial project. So far I have a really short bio, a new color scheme mostly worked out, a new title (my name), and the banner with all of the Ai portraits in it.
By Katie Tiller
Date: 7/22
Time: 1 hour
I finally settled on a simple background, after trying four or five story-oriented backgrounds. The cool ones were just looking a little too goofy.
By Katie Tiller
After a tutorial with Emma and Ashley, I set to work turning a photo of myself into a watercolor-esque illustration.
July 8-22: Time 12 hrs
Here is the completed portrait (a background is in the works)!
By Katie Tiller
My mock-ups for the Reset/Reboot/Recoup conference website.
Date: 7/11/11
Version 1: Time Spent: 4 hrs
Date: 7/12/11
Version 2: Time Spent: 2 hrs