-book, bag, and pen illustration
-new bag behind chair illustration
-pencil inside book illustration
-first stab at CV database work
By Emma Whelan
-book, bag, and pen illustration
-new bag behind chair illustration
-pencil inside book illustration
-first stab at CV database work
By Emma Whelan
-Hero approved
-Chair and bag illustration: Finished and posted for approval
-Time sheet
By Emma Whelan
-Frontal version of hero
By Emma Whelan
-Initial draft of new hero as suggested. Submitted for feedback
-Table and chair illustration
-Started bag and chair illustration
-Received CV information packet
2 hrs
Nathalie later suggested a frontal version based on this image:
Table and Chair illustration:
To Do:
-Fix Hero illustration
-3 more Yoruba illustrations
-Scanning for Pro Bene Meritis
-ID Processing training w/ Kathy + TBA ID’s
-CV project
-Humpty Dumpty (revisit and complete logo)
By Emma Whelan
-Met with Kate about CV project
– Began illustrating hero
30 minutes
By Emma Whelan
-Turned in past time sheet
-Met with Suloni about Pro Bene Meritis scanning project
-Searched reference images for Yoruba Yemi illustration
-waiting for response to a few questions regarding the drawing
-Posted Pro Bene Meritis meeting notes to Basecamp