-Checked status of Yoruba illustrations and caught up on messages
-Reviewed publications collection process with Kate
-Filled out time sheet
-Found a reference image for two sitting males illustration
-Began Yoruba illustration
1 hr
By Emma Whelan
-Checked status of Yoruba illustrations and caught up on messages
-Reviewed publications collection process with Kate
-Filled out time sheet
-Found a reference image for two sitting males illustration
-Began Yoruba illustration
1 hr
By Emma Whelan
By Emma Whelan
-Met with Kate to learn about new project
-COLA IDs. Started 500w (only one left)
45 mins
By Emma Whelan
-Reviewed processing instructions and moved files into skeleton folders
-Graduate student cola id’s edited
Left to do on COLA:
-Edit professor IDs
-Check for approval
-Upload to Dase
Other projects: Yoruba, CV (on hold), Pubs (next week)
By Emma Whelan
-COLA ID processing, color correcting, and uploading demo with Kathy
-Made corrections to chair and bag
-Made closed book with pencil illustrations (2 versions)
1.5 hrs
By Emma Whelan
-Basecamp communication with Nathalie regarding Yoruba illustrations
-CV collection
35 min