Task Sheet | Just Call Me Dino-Danni
01 April 2008
- James Cox
- Emailed which site he likes, need to modify and re-show
- Katie
- Gave her finished sites
- Pangle
- Created mock
- Phonology
- Fixing Catalan pages
25 March 2008
- James Cox
- Mocked up sample sites
- Created icons
- Katie
- Finished incorporating all three versions of site into one
- Meeting with Katie on Thursday rescheduled for today
- Pangle
- Set up meeting for today to discuss site
18 March 2008
- James Cox
- Mocked up frame of site
- Meeting with James today to discuss site and get content
- Katie
- Finished incorporating all three versions of site into one
- Meeting with Katie on Thursday to show and exchange site
- Phonology
- Created/fixed pages for Catalan section
Notes: Lawdem protected site
04 March 2008
- James Cox
- Researched for images for inspiration for site from web and CDs
- Katie
- Met with Katie
- Updated fixes she wanted
- Meeting again this week to discuss changes and exchange website
- Flash
- Played around with Flash
26 February 2008
- James Cox
- Played with color options
- Will mock up some designs
- Katie
- Finished both sites
- Meeting set up with Katie on Thursday to discuss site
19 February 2008
- James Cox
- Had meeting to discuss what he wants
- Katie
- Created “movies go to war” site
James cox reference site
- http://www.utexas.edu/depts/cmas/students/index/
- http://www.utexas.edu/cola/centers/cwgs/giving/
- http://www.nah.uiuc.edu/
- http://www.instituteofnativeamericanstudies.com/
What I need to do
- Katie “movies go to war” site
- Katie “immigrants movie” site
- Update Brinks website
- James Cox site
05 February 2008
- Katie Site
- Fixed site problems
- Inputted rest of content
- Need to do other site first, first priority
- Phonology
- Updated content
- Loaded onto staging
- Brinks
- Moved content around
- Need access to folder to update coding
29 January 2008
- Katie Site
- Started to code site
- Phonology
- Fixed color problem between browsers
- Fixed border problem around tables
12 December 2007
03 December 2007
- Phonology
- Fixed problems and loaded into staging
- Katie Site
- Created more mock layouts for site
19 November 2007
- Katie Site
- Created more mock layouts for site
11 November 2007
- Katie Site
- Created different mock layouts for site
- Phonology
- Finished a page for Turkish
05 November 2007
- Katie Site
- Finished the foundation of the coding for each page
- Finished home page
- Mai-Thi tutorial
- Server was down so had html tutorial with MT
29 October 2007
- Katie Site
- Had meeting with her on Friday
- She likes the 2nd design and does not see a need for the splash page
- Discussed what she needs for the site and how she wants things laid out
- Started coding for site
22 October 2007
- Marissa tutorial
- learned illustrator genius
- Phonology
- Created more Turkish pages
15 October 2007
07 October 2007
- Phonology
- Fixed tiny problems with the site that arised with Megan
- ASL Online
- Looked into free counter
- Leal website
- Met with professor Leal to demostrate how to edit his website
- Katie Websites
01 October 2007
- Phonology
- Finished off subnavigation for Turkish section
- Everything is linked correspondingly
- Leal website
- Met with professor Leal to demostrate how to edit his website
- Katie Websites
24 September 2007
- Phonology
- Met with Megan to discuss Turkish portion
- Discussed heading conventions, table modifications and what she could do
- Worked on creating side navigation
- Created navigation for Kinywarwanda
- Cleaned up links and made sure they were linked correctly
- Got rid of all the Korean links
- Started navigation for Turkish
- Created navigation for Kinywarwanda
- Started subnavigation for Turkish
- Met with Megan to discuss Turkish portion
17 September 2007
- Phonology
- Updated credits page
- Changed layout of main pages
- Working on new navigation layout
- ASL Online 2
- Updated Staging folder
- Emailed Frankie about updates
- Leal Website
- Updated changes
- Setting up meeting with Leal for basic html tutorial
10 September 2007
- Tile
- Created tile for Suloni
- Say hello to Jellybean
- ASL Online 2
- Converted images to .png
- Created sections 13 & 15
- Uploaded icons for each section
- question: order of icons, naming of each section & icons for hover on main page
- Phonology
- Worked on credits page
05 September 2007
- Worked on image for Vietnamese class
- Played with Illustrator to make credits page
28 August 2007
- My icon.
30 April 2007
- Leal Site
- Had meeting with Professor Leal
- Started work on his website
- Casella Site
- Met with Casella on what he wants for his website
23 April 2007
- ASL Site
- Unit 17
- Uploaded images to site and staging
- Unit 16
- Uploaded unit 16 items to staging
- Fixed problems with video
- Unit 17
16 April 2007
- Wiki Site
- Created my page
- Phonology Site
- Renamed Turkish sound files
- Linked Turkish sound files
- ASL Site
- Unit 16
- Fixed linking problem
- Unit 17
- Tired to create PNG icons
- Unit 16
09 April 2007
- Josh Flash Assignment
- Tried to create the flash project Josh gave us
- Wiki Site
- Messed around with the Wiki site
- ASL Site
- Unit 16
- Uploaded the page onto staging
- Linked video and images
- Unit 17
- Uploaded vocabulary to each video
- Unit 16