Project: UT IN CONTEXT Logo
Stage I: We met with Celeste and gathered these basic parameters for the logo:
- No burnt orange
- No images of the tower or buildings
- No symbolism of UT in general
- The do not want the “UT in Context” to be turned into a logo, they would like an image to be alongside the name of the site.
- Suloni would like to see a logo version using roots, Abriella suggested magnifying glass
- Does not want it to read “Cut,” make the “C” a design element/art object
- Would like a encapsulating/enclosed shape that is holding “UT”
- “C” will be more like a stroke/shape, “UT” will be a font that goes with the website
- Suloni would like to see a version where the “C” shape is made out of dots
- The “C” shape should be able to stand by itself, iconic, recognizable, distinctive
- Start with monochromatic versions, eventually “C” shape will be read and “UT” will be black
- Test out how the “C” shape looks next to the full title(play with different placements)
- Try a version with drop shadow(like the sketch above)