Camri Hinkie
I'm Camri Hinkie and I am a third-year Journalism student. This is my second year as an STA, and I primarily deal with Illustrator and Photoshop. I love cats. Check me out below at Hogwarts! (And all the cool stuff I make this year, of course.)

May 5
- Finished adding metadata to the branding graphics on DASE.
- Working on more now!!

April 21
Almost done with COLA branding graphics for the departments
Here are a few examples:

March 24
- Working on ASL php filling in the video links.
- STA presentation stuff.
- Found more OPA images.
March 3
- Finding stock photos for Kate.
- Making 500 width COLA graphics.
- llilas crops for the new 960 size.
February 25
- Finished LLILAS and History resize.
- Finished Rhetoric and Writing illustration.

February 17
- Finished the Texas Map for Prof. Menchaca.

- Working on ASL site.
- A little more on Rhetoric and Writing illustration.
February 10
*Started helping Ran with the ASL online CSS. Made thumbnails for input on the page.

*Working on Rhetoric and Writing Illustration.

*Working on COLA news graphics.
January 27
*Working on Rhetoric and Writing illustration.

*Met with Stuart about Moore site changes.

*Made a few more news graphics.

January 19
Continued working on Rhetoric and Writing illustration.

December 9
- Working on Rhetoric and Writing illustration.

December 2
- Even more COLA news graphics!
- Doing image search for OPA

November 18
- Started adding info/text to Prof. Ortega-Llebaria’s site.
- Met with Christine and Nikki about Tamil and finished scanning in the PDF version of the book.
- More COLA news graphics!!!

November 11
- Working on COLA News Graphics.

November 4
- Fixed Prof. Ortega-Llebaria’s web page.

- Worked on news column graphics.

October 28
- Met with Prof. Ortega-Llebaria about website and started building the page.

- made some mockups for ASL

October 21
- Working on FINALLY finishing Unit 19 backgrounds.
- Starting mockups for Unit 20.
- Finished Sociology feature banner.
- Meeting with Prof. Ortega about her bio site on the 27th.

October 9
- Re-worked the ASL Unit 19 backgrounds to be less distracting.

September 30
- mock-up for EEJH.

- Fixed the colors for China Rising.

- Made thumbnails for ASL and worked on Unit 19 artwork.

September 23
Beginnings of mockups for East European Jewish History.

Also working on ASL Unit 18 thumbnails and making changes to Unit 19 artwork.
September 18
China Rising mockups:

September 16
- Finished with Cicero
- Worked on STA portrait
- finished ASL Unit 19 art

- Resizing ASL Unit 18 art
September 2
- Worked on Cicero bibliography
- Need info about what to do next on ASL
August 24
STA Orientation!!!!