Today I made some usability modifications to the podcast site, and I was able to fix the retrieval of the speakers.

Today I made some usability modifications to the podcast site, and I was able to fix the retrieval of the speakers.
Today I finished the filtering by podcast name, tag and category. Dates were taken off of the panel, and also I was able to display the speaker with the episodes they participated in.
As the search according to episode from the podcast is done, today I worked on the speaker filtering. I was able to display the list of the speakers, missing guess episodes.
The display categories are TBD, but those are some possibilities.
Now it is possible to filter by text in the description of the speaker, or its name.
Today, I was able to finish the display of the missing tags and the filtering of speakers, tags, and dates. Also the clear buttons work now.
Today I was able to display the search bar, it is not displaying tags yet.
You can filter by category.
And by contained text in the title or the transcript of the podcast.
Today was incredible, I create my first interactive in Canvasser with the aid of Estella (thank you so much). Also, I kept working in the Vue js code for the podcast site, now is possible to see the summary of each episode (name, date, author and guest) and display it when clicking in the title.