November Updates
This month I was assigned a new animation project where I worked alongside Lila. We began our training by designing a simple and detailed character. Here are the ones I made:

Soon after we created our characters, we received feedback on our detailed characters. Our detailed characters needed a few adjustments to look like they were in the same design “family” as the characters below:
Here is my character with the adjustments made based on De’sha’s feedback:
Lila and I received more information on our upcoming project and were given example scenes to animate. We got premade Illustrator files to work with, but the layers weren’t separated correctly. However, this gave me more practice with how to separate a scene’s layers for easier animating in Adobe After Effects. Below is my first pass at the animation:
De’sha suggested more subtle changes in the expressions of the characters, meaning more practice separating the layers in Illustrator (which wasn’t too hard)!
Here is my second animation with the feedback implemented:
Lots of Logos!
I began some logo training during my downtime to get more practice working in Illustrator! Here are some I have made so far.
This first set of logos is for the iconography training.