Week 15
Project: Conference Website
Started on: Feb 3, 2022
Completed on: Feb 3, 2022
Staff Guidance: Maddy, and Stacy
Description: For this project, I was tasked with designing a sample conference website from scratch. I went online to search for inspirations or something that could implement in my website. I found some interesting designs that I could implement in my Figma design.
For the project, I used black and white as the primary color palette. I want to limit the use of colors in order to see if my design still stands out, and for now, the color and design match really well with each other in my opinion.
The website has three important sections that every conference website has: introduction, speaker and agenda. I plan to add Demo Page in which it instructs the client on how to change different components of the website like the color, the font and the image. However, before going into too deep with the details, I want to stop to ask for feedback regarding the content and the design, so I stop on Friday after mocking up the design.