Housekeeping: Elements and Principles of Design training
Some more housekeeping, as the CoLA Refresh project slowly picks up steam: I just completed the Principles and Elements of Design training, which involves demonstrating different design aspects using art as examples. I also created sketches outlining each feature. I won’t show you all of them, since there are close to 30, but here are two slides.
Some of the elements I found kind of subjective and hard to identify (like the difference between size and proportion, or balance and unity) but I had fun making the sketches. I particularly hope my American Gothic interpretation ends up in a stick figure museum one day.
Got some feedback, and I revisited a few slides with more contemporary design examples, which was, honestly, much easier conceptually. We may end up clarifying in the KB post, but I wasn’t actually supposed to do classical art for all of them. Here is the “size” slide: