Hiiii bl∆g last week Maddy and I met with Marla and Heather to see if there was any work they’d like us to prioritize that they’re unable to manage. Heather told me that Ruben has been working on debugging a new video manager where professor’s lectures are uploaded, clipped, and captioned. She said she’d like for me to become familiar with the tool, and afterwards, I would help in documenting where people’s test-runs go wrong so that Ruben can fix things. The idea here is to have a middle man between the testers and Ruben so that debugging is more efficient.
So…began running through the testing instructions step-by-step yesterday afternoon. The “test” is to see if you can take an entire lecture, chop it into 5 pieces, and then render each video. These steps aren’t super clear, so it took me a bit to find the right buttons. I’m still not entirely sure I ran through these steps correctly, because my first render created a job with 27 separate tasks, and failed on the 4th of those 27. I’m pretty sure I’m only supposed to have 5 tasks, one for each clip that I’m creating. Furthermore, after attempting to re-render, The failed file blocked the new one from beginning to render, so that job just read “queued”.
I spoke to Ruben about this, at which point he deleted both jobs and asked me to try again…this job is still stuck in “queued”. Notice how below, the job numbers jump from 103 to 106. That is because Ruben deleted my first two failed jobs:
Ruben has told me that the site is busted. Needless to say I’m impressed with myself Hoping that things will be fixed soon. Regardless of this, I think some things should be changed on the documentation explaining how to test the video manager, so I will see if I can improve upon that in the mean time.