Updates on WP Maintenance
I should’ve posted about this before but I actually finished all the maintenance scripts a few weeks back. We now have scripts to add users, remove users, create a new site, update plugins, and update WordPress while optionally keeping the old post editor for a better user experience. All of these are working with a backbone script that handles commonalities between them. I met with Stacy about next steps and, since I’ll probably be handing over the project to someone else next semester, he said that the most important thing was to clean up the project and work on good documentation so that the next person can get up and running with it. I’ve been working on that ever since, cleaning up and commenting my code, and writing a nice README file for the project that explains how it works and how to use it. I think it’s a good experience because I’ll probably have to do the same for projects that I make in future jobs, also its a way to familiarize myself with the markdown language for README files. If I manage to finish all of this before the end of the semester, Stacy said I could probably work on some interactivity for the scripts. Here’s some pictures of the files we have and what my README looks like as of now.