Recently, I’ve done handled some photo ID requests that were sent in. Here they are:
Also, I got some training on Canvasser (thanks @Estella!) and worked on my first two vLabs modules!

Finally, I’ve been working with Stacy a good amount on getting Life and Letters set up. Through our pair development sessions, we’ve been able to establish a good starting point on the PHP that will allow me to jumpstart into the CSS (atleast for the homepage!) Here’s what the page looks like right now, visually and in HTML:
If you look closely at the HTML, you can see that we’ve been able to specify specific properties (number of posts, category type) for each “group” on the page.
These specific properties are useful because they’re what allows us to distinguish one group from another. Through the CSS, then, we can tell the browser that the entry-category-features group might have an image that’s large and centered, while the entry-category-blog group might have smaller images that are left-aligned, and so on.
A big shoutout+thank you to Stacy for sitting down with me so often and guiding me through the intricacies of WordPress! By no means am I an expert now, but I’ve definitely gained a good chunk of knowledge ; – )