VLabs Updates
I spent most of last week working on a looot of PSDs for VLabs.
I’ve noticed the lab activity interactives at the end of each lab are more complicated than other sections, so I’m looking forward to getting feedback since they’re each unique. A lot of them include graphs, calculations, and measuring so I did what I could to stick to style guide. On many graphs a dot must be placed in the correct location for the user to pass, so I’d like to see how assembling interactives like these work in Canvasser (below).
Speaking of Canvasser, it can sometimes be a challenge, but I feel like this interactive below came out well in terms of toggling between “shared with humans” and “unique features.” Originally the user would have to double click the links for the popup to show because the on/off toggle was getting confused up behind the scenes. We were able to finesse the property options under Click/Touch Event ID to work.
Next up is adding videos into the HTML on the Grav site.
I’m about to start my Cascade test site, and I’m not sure what to expect since at first glance it seems different from WordPress or any other CMS I’ve used before. Other than that I’ve been learning to edit Photo IDs and completed lots of orientation work.