We finished the Migration phase for eanthro vlabs! Now, we are going to be creating all the assets for the labs since the original flash interactives are not reusable and won’t match Emily’s new UI design for the site.
As for actually making the assets themselves, I enjoy the process! Emily gave really great clear instructions on how she wants them to look, so it’s been easy to just tackle one after the other.
Most of the ones I’ve done so far have been relatively simple, but I did run into a Quiz interactive that requires canvasser to know what the user has inputed, so it can spit out the right response. As for that, we’ll be needing Ruben’s help.

Theater of Philosophy
I was also recruited onto a new WordPress project! Basically, Stacy got a client that wants a wiki styled site that compiles essays and bibliographies about various philosophers and their research on theater.
This will be my first official project designing the UI/UX for a web site, so I’m SUPER excited! For my first step, Stacy has told me to just build a very general, bare-bones UI that focuses on the site functionality (wireframing!).

Other projects
In other news, I was tasked with creating a new cascade unit site for Texas Initiative for Advanced Study. Now that Andre is gone, we’ve been needing to figure out things on our own using the STA knowledge base.
I also helped out a bit with migrating the cascade documentation onto the actual cascade site.