Welcome Bridget 
i hope you have fun at your STA Orientation!
During the latter part of your STA Orientation,
you’ll design and upload your banner to this blog.
Photoshop: Design and make your banner
a. Use the photoshop specs for your blog banner that i placed in your STA folder,
on our servers:
path: sta/Bridget Kessler
folder: make-your-sta-blog-banner
file: sta-blog-banner-specs.jpg
b. Save your un-merged files back to your STA folder:
path: sta/Bridget Kessler
folder: make-your-sta-blog-banner
On this Blog: Make your 1st text post and upload your banner:-)
a. log-in:
b. Publishing Help Documentation/Instructions
You must read this WP sites “Publishing Help” before you upload your banner.
Click on each of these links and read the STA publishing help:
c. Blog post:
Reflect on the day and write a bit about your about your-self & what you did during orientation
& upload your banner
Comment on Basecamp
Let me know you’ve complete this task, via basecamp.
Upload a link to your blog, on your bascamp to-do :