Jazz Online
This is image is the first slide in a slide show, hover over the image for controlls.
Introduction to Classical Mythology
Sample of the guitar without any processing
Audio PlayerIntroduction to Classical Mythology with Steve Lundy
Video Player
Jazz Appreciation with Jeff Hellmer
Video Player
Reused Video Material
Audio First Chair:
- Makes sure everyone can communicate
- Controls main audio for class
- Communicates directly with professor, TA, and project managerAudio Player
Audio Second Chair:
- Keeps time
- Mics professor and TA
- Communicates with technical director, project manager, graphics director, and camera operators
Live Musical Performances!
- Usual class: Interactive videos, Audio clips, and live music
- 6 cameras, 5 camera operators, 2 different studios for shooting
- This day we had:
- 4 cameras, 1 studio for shooting
- 1 mobile camera, 2 cameras on tripods, 1 static camera
- Cameras on tripods would zoom in and out, pan across, tilt up and down to vary the subjects and shots since we had fewer cameras than subjects.
Video Player