Project: Mobile COLA
Completition Status: Incomplete
Staff Guidance: Stacy
Description: Edit the CSS & optimize the COLA site for mobile browsers.
Project: Faculty Publication Citations
Completion Status: Will it ever end?!
Staff Guidance: Lauren
Description: Hundreds of citations; Lots of text.
Project: Bodian Site
Completion Status: Complete
Staff Guidance: Suloni
Description: Professor Bodian wanted her site to be editable (by herself) so I transferred her very old site into UT Blogs. There were many, many pages.
Tutorial: InDesign Tutorial
Still ongoing. Designing a newsletter.
Tutorial: WordPress
Ongoing. Installed WP, finished the basics.
Project: Touchpanel graphics
Completion Status: Complete
Staff Guidance: Suloni
Description: Back button for the touchpanel displays. Created three styles (two icons, one mobile-inspired nav) and three colour variations.