Summer Work
Quick Quick collage for Classics!

Comparative Literature for now!

My somewhat misguided and silly representation of western civ.

Week of April 20, 2008
This week I put the rest of the countries on their individual pages, and have started work on the Western Civilization banner.

Week of April 13, 2008
I have definitively solved the mystery of the backwards Arabic text. I used text edit on the Arabic Editing Station (STA 8), and it displayed the text connected and in the right order. Some of the pages are done. I need to retrace some of the smaller countries before I can finish some of the individual pages.

Week of April 6, 2008
This week we are preparing our wikis and practicing for the presentation.
Week of March 31, 2008
I came up with another banner for Asian American. It has it’s moments, but I think it could be worked on some more.

Also it seems like the Arabic Dialects project is coming back.
This top example is backwards while the bottom is correct. However, according to Dart the Arabic grad student the text isn’t connected and he believes Professor Brustad will have a problem with that.
I am working on filling in gaps and trying out my options on the main map page.

Week of March 24, 2008
First things first I edited the humanities page.

I tried a few different ideas for the Asian American banner but I’m not sure if I have any coherent ideas.

Week of March 17, 2008
I checked out a book from the library called The Sun: Symbol of Power and Life, and took images that I felt conveyed the purposes of the humanities which is the bridging of the disciplines between the arts and sciences. This week’s design is a little bit different because I thought that the image could transcend the navigation bar and envelope the whole page. My design is pretty heavy handed and it is tough to know if it could adequately represent something as broad as the Humanities Program. The images are all copied from the book and would need to be altered before it can be used.

Week of March 3, 2008
I finished up the navigation page for the African and African American studies.
This week I worked on the Department of Rhetoric and Writing. I wanted to change things up and tried to give the department a more contemporary look. I was influenced by typography and the use of font as design. It still doesn’t quite look cohesive yet and could be more thought out.
Week of February 25,2008
I continued my colorful interpretation of Yoruban art and I may have taken the colors too far…it is hard to know when to stop. I will move on to the English project next and I will try to have something to show my Thursday.
Week of February 18,2008
On the cover icon I finished my work on the background and I changed the color to better match the rest of the Med-Term site. Now it just needs to be approved.

I also tried my hand at the Africa website. And I was thinking about bright bold colors. Unfortunately, my tile at the left is totally plagiarized from an Yoruban artist, but that could easily be changed if we like the design.

Week of February 11, 2008
I went back and reworded some textures in the skin.

Due to some slow downs I still have a little more work to do on the cover design.
Week of February 4, 2008
This is the first time that I feel like I’m really on a roll with this project, and I’m almost done. I’m almost sad, but then again I still need to hurry up and finish it.

Week of January 28, 2007
I color-corrected a few slides, and it looks like we zapped them all for now.
Illustrator and I have decided to settle our differences, and I was able to make some progress with the med-terms cover. I will try to finish it by next week.

Week of January 21,2007
We are back and doing color correction.




Week of December 10, 2007
We are another step closer to having a cover page. It still has a ways to go.
Week of December 3, 2007
I have finished the urinary slide.
I made the composition of my cover page stronger, and I think it looks better.
Week of November 26, 2007
I have been working on the urinary slide, and I have a little more ways to go.
This is a rough draft of the cover design for the med-terms. Nothing is set in stone and there could be many changes. In fact I’m sure there will be many changes.
Week of November 19, 2007
In between spending time with my family and eating turkey I was able to do some color correction.
I started working on the urinary slide.
This is how much I’ve done:
Week of November 12,2007
The slides keep coming! I corrected a few more.
I am continuing my work on my med-term slide:skin. It is closer to getting done. I need to fill in some skin cells and patterns.
Week of November 5, 2007
I am continuing color correction I think we are almost done.
I took a little time to clean up some of the gaps in my map.
I have also started on my med-term: skin.
There is a lot more work to do!
Week of October 29,2007
I am color correcting photos now. Here is a sample of what they look before and after.
Ok they don’t really have that much glare. It actually looks more like this.
I have also been able to put in the text onto the map. There is dark text for the default map and light text for the dark map. I also created a sample of what the map could look like with water.
Week of October 22, 2007
I am finishing up moving everthing from photoshop to illustrator and I am going back and adding in new countries.
Let us welcome: Tunisia, Israel, Lebanon, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and Kuwait.
I am trying to clean up the lines so that they it matches up with the countries.
The smaller countries are somewhat difficult to see, when the map is far away, and Bahrain is practically invisble. So we’ll probably have to enlarge it somehow.
The map on top is the default map. The map on the bottom shows the color change that occurs when clicking on the individual countries.
Week of October 15, 2007
I’m moving all the countries from photoshop to illustrator, and have put light and dark washes over them.
In flashgroup we worked on making buttons and getting acquainted with scripting.
Week of October 8, 2007
I have broken down all the countries on the map and I am coloring each one. In between I am scanning slides and it looks like were almost done!
I met with Carrie Wells to learn about color correction.
I met with Daniel Garza to discuss fixing the powerpoint presentations.
I attended the tail end of the ASL meeting.
In flash group we discussed how to make buttons and links.
Week of October 1, 2007
I have finished tracing and naming the rest of Africa and Europe on the map. Since this is an Arabic map I have referenced Arabic calligraphy, maps, and paintings to develop a sample color palette. I have also created a sample of the colors, shapes, and textures of what the map could possibly look like when it is finished.
Map of Europe and Africa

Sample Map
This is just the style I propose for the map. It is a close-up of the Arabian Penninsula and the Texturize Ocean.

Sample Color Palette
(Look carefully! Do you see the grey dots?)

Week of September 24, 2007
The map of Africa was good practice in illustrator and will serve as the beginning of the Arabic dialect project.

Week of September 17, 2007
I’ve already told the guys that we’re going to put the project on hold. We tried out various styles, but it hasn’t really come together yet. They said it was no big deal and they’ll just be hanging out for a while.

Week of September 10, 2007
Ok now my tile is ready to go.