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February 26,2008
This week I added text to the African and African American Studies web Mock-Up design that I laid out. I also illustrated a mask for this same site. I worked on the floor of one of the images in the asl 3 mock ups.
February 19,2008
This past week I worked on the splash pages for the African and African American Studies and Spanish and Portuguese website.
February 12,2008
Finished the first slide for the ASL project and am ready to meet with Suloni for a critique. To finish I had to use the background pictures and cut out details like a lamp and a tree. Started the second secenario where the two actors are joking around and one spits in the others face. Decided against using the tree because it didn’t fit into the world that I’ve created with illustrated backgrounds. I began playing around with the graphics for cascade projects.
February 8,2008
This week I worked on the mock up for the ASL website. I am also cutting out backgrounds from the pictures. I photographed different potential backgrounds around campus that will be incorporated in the mock up.
January 28,2008
This week I worked on the Berlin color correcting project and The ASL 3 project. For ASL I illustrated a few things for the mock up. Second, I took out the backgrounds for some of the pictures like in the example below.
December 3, 2007
This week I organized the photoshoot for the ASL 3 section on Spills. I recruited models, emails, directed the shoot. I also assigned the final projects for the Vietnamese Power Points. I finished another animal, the Zygolophodon.
November 12,2007
This week I helped Matt with Lesson 12 for the Vietnamesse Power Point project by doing one of the slides. I assigned and emailed Mai-Thi, Corinna, and Kathy with their new projects. After this week we should be done with the lessons for class 604. I have also been working on the animals for the E-fossils website. My goal for this week is to have photographed the models that I will need for the ASL 3 mock up. Matt, Suloni, and I met with Annie this past week on Thursday to discuss the new style and direction for the ASL filming and photoshoots.
October 29,2007
- I prepared 4 lessons for the Vietnamese Power Point Project and sent them to professor Nguyen. We are up to speed with the project.
- I am preparing a meeting this week for the Vietnamese Design team so that we can catch up on what we’re doing and assign the next few lessons.
October 15,2007
- I attended the ASL meeting with Suloni where I took notes.
- I typed out a report from the ASL meeting that included my notes and then emailed it out to everyone that attended the meeting.
- I reviewed the work that was done for the Vietnamese Power Point Project and set new deadlines for the designers.
- Helped Mai-Thi complete some of her images for the Power Point Lesson 8.
- Met with Danni for a while to discuss his new website. I helped him organize his thoughts and gave him some suggestions to better his mock up.
- I will continue working on my animals for E-fossils.
- Sunday, when i came in to complete my hours the server was down so I was unable to complete them.
October 8,2007
This week the Vietnamese Power Point design team had four lessons due. I spent the majority of my time tweaking and cleaning up the slides from the designers. I then formated them and input them into powerpoint files and sent them out to Professor Nguyen.
- Coached Matt, and showed him how to use a line technique in Illustrator which he could then apply into his slides to show interest and emphasis.
- Coached Mai-Thi in respect to certain common mistakes that are happening with all of the designers.
- Coming up: I am organizing a meeting for the VPP design team, to assign the next set of lessons and to get everybody on track and on the same page. I will also continue working on the Prehistoric Animals for the E-fossils website.
October 1,2007
This past week I:
- Illustrated the buffalo and hippopotamus images
- Coordinated and assisted a photo shoot for the Vietnamese Powerpoints
- I met with several of the designers from the Vietnamese project to look over their images and critique them.
- This week Jamie and I are planning a few other photo shoots for the Vietnamese projects, and I will continue with the animal illustrations for the E-fossils website.
My Tile
STA Home Page Final
Vietnamesse Class Powerpoints
Banner for English Redesign
Vermeer Dress
Map of MesoAmerica with Boundaries
”April 30, 2007″
- MesoAmerican Website
- Sacrifice 70% finito
- El Tajin
April 16, 2007
- MesoAmerican Website
- Finished “Spear heads”
- Finished “Olmec head”
- Began Illustrating “sunken relief”
- Designing Wiki Presentation and Layout for April 20th
April 09, 2007
- MesoAmerican Website
- Illustrate “El Tajin” at 75%
- Illustrate “Funeral Urn” at 80%
- Finished illustrating “quetzocoatl”
- Began illustrating “spear heads”
April 02, 2007
- MesoAmerican Website
- Illustrate “El Tajin” at 75%
- Illustrate “Funeral Urn” at 80%
- Finished illustrating “quetzocoatl”
- Began illustrating “spear heads”
- Richmond Garza –
- Illustrate images for Stephanie- train, butterfly
- STA wiki –
- building my wiki