29 April 2008
- Koike’s Spanish site
- Finished:
- “Tweaking”
- Updated the FLP quiz with more answer choices
- Need to do:
- Waiting for more content/approval?
- Finished:
01 April 2008
- Koike’s Spanish site
- Finished:
- New formatting to menu
- Included questions to menu drop down
- Need to do:
- Add STAs to about page?
- Berlin
- Finished:
- Added map to Map page
- Added PDFs to literature page
- Still missing some pdfs, but I told Ran
- Reformatting Scholarship and Resources pages
- Changed backgrounds to page
- Created anchor list to page
- Reformatted History pages
- Bolded all the dates
- Added Credits page
- Finished all videos
- Finished:
- Tag cloud
- Talked to Geoff
- Need to create counter/database
25 March 2008
- Koike’s Spanish site
- Finished
- Make changes to front page
- Changes to tips page
- Need to do:
- Add STAs to about page?
- Finished
- Berlin
- Finished:
- Added Scholarship page
- Add PDFs to Scholarship
- Added Resources page
- Added History page
- Need to do:
- Add map
- Add two more videos
- Add PDFs to Literature?
- Finished:
- Tag cloud
- Talked to Geoff
- Need to create counter/database
18 March 2008
- Koike’s Spanish site
- Finished all changes except…
- Add STAs to about page?
- Change quiz format to multiple choice?
- Add some sort of separation for transcript and questions
- Finished all changes except…
- Cascade
- More webpage building. Yay!
- Tag cloud
- Talk to Peter?
4 March 2008
- Koike’s Spanish site
- Done:
- Take out “Howdy” in questions
- Change interview titles to Interview 1, 2, 3, etc format
- Remove town/heritage speaker
- Change the formatting of opening page
- Change wording in proficiency quiz
- Change formatting on about site page
- Move stuff from PROJECTS to WWW
- Need to do:
- Move About Site to bottom?
- Remove show/hide transcript
- Add some sort of separation for transcript and questions
- Add page at end of questions to let user know that they’re at the end
- Done:
- Berlin
- Created Literature page
- Cascade
- Learnt how to build webpage in cascade
- Tag cloud
- Talk to Peter?
26 February 2008
- Berlin site
- Koike’s Spanish site
- Finish uploading transcripts
- Need to do:
- Take out “Howdy” in questions
- Change interview titles to Interview 1, 2, 3, etc format
- Remove show/hide transcript?
- Add some sort of separation for transcript and questions
- Add page at end of questions to let user know that they’re at the end
19 February 2008
- Koike’s Spanish site
- Finish uploading transcripts
- Need to do:
- Take out “Howdy” in questions
- Change interview titles to Interview 1, 2, 3, etc format
- Remove show/hide transcript?
- Add some sort of separation for transcript and questions
- Add page at end of questions to let user know that they’re at the end
- Berlin site
- Added images to Building pages
- Created templates for the other sections
12 February 2008
- Koike’s Spanish site
- Finished formatting
- Need to upload
- Berlin site
- Adding images to Building pages
- Resized all Building images and created thumbnails
- Creating the other sections pages
- Research tag clouds
5 February 2008
- Pangle’s site
- Made corrections to site
- Link
- Koike’s Spanish site
- Need to finish transcript formatting
- Research tag clouds
03 December 2007
- Rebecca Lewis’s site
- Made design changes
- Adding content before she leaves for Madagascar
- Link
- Koike’s Spanish site
- Finished quiz
- Still need to finish transcript formatting
26 November 2007
- Rebecca Lewis’s site
- Working on site compatibility
- Waiting for more content
- Link
- Koike’s Spanish site
- Finished 26 out of 28 transcripts
- Formatting
- Matching
- Still need to do quiz
- Finished 26 out of 28 transcripts
- Layout Design Meeting
- Met with Lindsay and Stephanie
- Discussed layouts we can use
19 November 2007
- Persian Site
- Finished cleaning code
- Finished sound clips
- Rebecca Lewis’s site
- Added all the content that I have so far
- Waiting for more content
- Link
- Koike’s Spanish site
- Finished 24 out of 28 transcripts
- Formatting
- Matching
- Still need to do quiz
- Finished 24 out of 28 transcripts
12 November 2007
- Walk-In Texas Theory Wiki
- Walk-in students
- Worked a long time to troubleshoot
- Taught her to use Dreamweaver and troubleshooted code problems
- her site
- Persian Site
- Working on cleaning the code
- Added sound files
- Rebecca Lewis’s site
- Coding the layout completely
- She sent me more content to include in site
29 October 2007
- Rebecca Lewis’s site
- Coding the pages
- CV, fieldwork, etc
- Waiting for her to approve the layout design and make changes
- Coding the pages
- Koike’s Spanish site
- Updating site
- Matching transcripts to interviewees
- Still cannot find input quiz page, make own?
- Need to organize interviews into correct groups
- Updating site
22 October 2007
- Rebecca Lewis’s site
- Made layout
- Started coding the content for the pages.
- Waiting for Lewis’s and Suloni’s approval
- Koike’s Spanish site
- Updating site
- Changes to suggestions page
- Adding changes to foreign language proficiency page
- Need to add quiz questions to FLP
- Adding transcripts for the site
- Waiting for more content from Koike
- Updating site
- COLA English site
- Fixed Bonnet lady picture
- Fixed White Dress lady picture
15 October 2007
- Rebecca Lewis’s site
- Met with Professor Lewis
- Gave me content to put on site on a CD.
- Persian site
- Adding audio file links to the underlined words.
- http://dev.laits.utexas.edu/persian_online/intermediate/demoadjpronoun/index.html
- Koike’s Spanish site
- Updating site
- Changes to suggestions page
- Adding changes to foreign language proficiency page
- Need to add quiz questions to FLP
- Adding transcripts for the site
- Still need to change headings to the site
- Updating site
- COLA English site
- Fixed shadow in the books image. Updated the header.
8 October 2007
- Professor Pangle’s site
- Site updates finished!
- Professor Brownlee’s site
- Met with Brownlee. Adjusted layout and fixed minor details.
- Site is finished!
- Koike’s Spanish site
- Sent me transcripts to update site
- COLA English site
- These are the finished images
1 October 2007
- Brownlee’s site
- Site changes are finished!
- Professor Pangle’s site
- Still updating site and CV.
- COLA English site
- Continue retouching photos and insert them into layout.
- Koike’s Spanish site
- Meet with Prof. Koike and update site with videos and transcripts.
24 September 2007
- Brownlee’s Site
- Site works in PC: Firefox, Opera, Mozilla, IE and Mac: IE, Firefox, Safari
- Daily Intelligencer
- Tested the music track
- Professor Pangle’s site
- Update HTML CV and pdf CV.
- COLA English site
- Manipulate splash images to remove, retouch the pictures.
17 September 2007
- Texas German
- Fixed background.
- Suloni’s latest design with Mai-Thi’s Texas icon
- Brownlee’s Site
- Fixed layout
- Still need to fix navigation
10 September 2007
This picture was made during the Wiki practice. Look, left-aligned images and captions!Look, left-aligned images and captions! Look, left-aligned images and captions! I have lost my voice — a great start to the beginning of the school year!

Here’s my awesome, amazing tile. It’s awesome because it says WU. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap. Text wrap.
- Texas German
- Need to clean up HTML code, and design tweaking
- Possible designs:
- Brownlee’s Site
- Need to fix code so that site displays properly on IE for PC
Happy now, Lindsay?