Corinna Ortiz email:

April 29
- is in finals hell!
- not much to do, just played around in illustrator and flash, nothing to show
April 8
- Going to make links and before after pics for presentation
- possibly edit together a video as well
- Berlin Slides
- Learned the basics of color correcting
- Kelm videos
- became more familiar with final cut
- more familiar with shooting in a studio
- more familiar with digitizing
- Icons and web page designs
- learned the purpose of using illustrator
- learned how to use illustrator
- learned how to combine illustrator with photoshop
- Vietnamese Powerpoints
- Learned how to match styles
- Sharpened photoshop skills
- I’ll add more as I remember more
April 1
- Final Humanities Pages

- March 25
- Humanities banner bare bones structure
- Still need to change colors of website and choose font.
- Have 3 different layouts now I need to fill in circles with pictures.
Version 1

Version 2

Version 3


- March 16
- Started learning about HTML from this website
- Spring Break
- finished icons, waiting on feedback
- Final layout

March 4
- Drawing paper that is believable is hard!!

- Glasses variations

February 26
- Another icon done

February 19
- helping Daniel with Take 5 shoot
- make up
- set up
- striking
- filming
- Orlando Kelm’s Spanish and Portuguese classes
- filming
- set up
- digitizing
- editing
- Spanish Icons
- almost done tracing flag details

February 6
- finished tracing flags
February 1-5
- started flag icon

January 31
- started flags icon
- color corrected


January 30
- Filmed for Orlando Kelm’s spanish and portuguese classes
- digitized videos
- color corrected
January 29
- working on closed lips but you have to click the link because it won’t upload as a jpeg
January 27
- Just realized I corrected a slide that was already done
- I’m completely confused about all the slide business
January 25
- Color Correction
- before

- after

January 23
- Finished ear portion of listening icon

- started putting together mock up of icons on page layout

January 17
- shadowed mark and laura at Roe V. Wade speech
January 15
- met with gary and suloni about future projects
December 16-18
- started tracing and coloring listening icon
?-December 15
- finished open mouth icon
- without tongue

- with tongue

December 3
- finished both

- The few book sketches that my wiki still won’t let me upload
Novermeber 27
- Another book sketch
November 26
- Assigned to Spanish TA website
- Started researching Icon Design
- quick book icon sketch
- Taken off of Berlin
November 17
- final lesson 15 slides

November 6-12
- Law and Democracy
- Turned all countries into movie clips and buttons
- Made all countries white
- Fixed Chile and Dominican Republic
- Vietnamese Power Point
- started lesson 15 for 604
- Berlin Slides
- finished 2 more
October 31-November 5
- Berlin Slides
- Lesson 11 604 PP
- Meet with Greg after meeting
- Sent audio to Kevin to be fixed
October 29
- I have better grammar now
- More Berlin slides…fun!
- Meeting with Kevin about audio tomorrow during Lab Hours
October 26
- A sleep deprived Corinna does a brief flash meeting, and more work on the Berlin slides and had a brief meeting with Orlando. All we do now is send out our footage to Mike for sound work.
more filming next week.
October 22-24
- berlin slides
- met with carrie about color correction
October 22
- finished lesson 6 pic 1

- finished lesson 6 pic 2

October 19
- flash meeting
- made more buttons
October 18
- met with orlando and kevin
- decided which takes to use
October 15
- done video editing, cleaning up sound
- make sure to finish PP slide by the 22nd!
- remember to bring jump drive to put button on server!
October 12
- edited more portuguese
- david taught flash group and my button was the best!
October 11
- edited portuguese
October 9
- finished lesson 6 dialogue 6

- scanned berlin slides
October 5
- portuguese shoot
October 4
- worked on slide
- flash group
- scanned slides
October 3
- another slide done!

October 2
- finished lesson 2 dialogue 3

October 1
- adding people to vietnamese slide lesson 6 pic 3 not done
- Berlin slide system in effect today!
September 28
- failed miserably at organizing berlin slides
- shot dog scene for Portuguese project
- started action scripting at flash meeting
September 27
- re-scanned Berlin book photos
September 25
- scanned Berlin book photos
September 21
- shot breakfast scene for portuguese project
- finished lesson 3 pic 3

September 19
- meeting with kevin
- finished lesson 6 dialogue 6

September 18
- fixed timesheet
- finished lesson 6 dialogue 4

- finished Lesson 6 Dialogue 3

September 14
- Started Lesson 6 Dialogue 3
- remember meetings with Kevin
September 13
- Finished Lesson 5 Dialogue 5

September 11
- 3 more tiles

- started lesson 5 dialogue 5 for Vietnamese Power Point
September 10
- Tile work finished

- added email address
- talked to Jaime about Vietnamese project
- emailed Nicole about Portuguese project
- email Julio about Vietnamese project
September 7
- Meeting about video
- More Wiki Work
September 4
- Assigned work
- Finished photoshop
- Started Tile
August 28
- Site Created
- Work on tile
- Work on photoshopping self…photoshoping…photo shopping?