15 July 2009
- Chinese site layout coded.
- Met with Wen-Hua again
- http://dev.laits.utexas.edu/chinese_take_in/test
- PDM site stuff
- Finished!
08 July 2009
- Chinese site layout coded.
- Audio template set up
- http://dev.laits.utexas.edu/chinese_take_in/test
- PDM site stuff
24 June 2009
01 July 2009
*Chinese site stuff
- Updated computers with CS4
24 June 2009
*Grants banner variations
- Met with Suloni and Mike H. for Chinese website
- Made very basic mockups for site
17 June 2009
- I’m BACK
- Met with Suloni and Mike H. for Chinese website
6 May 2009
- Met with Daniel
- IE stylesheet fun!
29 April 2009
- Meeting with Daniel and Koike on Thursday to discuss stuff
- Ashlynn site
- Finished changes
15 April 2009
- Finished with the “easy” changes except for IE formatting. Stupid IE.
- Ashlynn site
- Start the content this week
8 April 2009
- Only joking….April Fool?
- Making small changes. It’s fun.
1 April 2009
- Finished!!! (with changes)
11 March 2009
- Leger site
- Meeting with her on Thursday
- Changes are fun…
25 February 2009 4 March 2009
- Leger site
- Site finished!
- Meeting with her later this week to upload show her how to update.
- Start changes for site.
25 February 2009
- Leger site
- Created border for her site.
- Made red darker because that’s how she rolls:
- UTeach Banner
- Finished banner

- Finished logo

18 February 2009
- Leger site
- Prof Leger contacted me about the layout. Said she did not like colours. So she sent me this:
- So I revamped the stuff:
- And I coded sample page for her to see:
- Prof Leger contacted me about the layout. Said she did not like colours. So she sent me this:
- COLA, Science Tech Banner
- Finished assembling banner

- UTeach Banner
- Working on cool BUZZ words

- Iron Age Celts
- Contacted Constanze on Feb 11. She said that she would work on it the past weekend. Said very hectic semester, thanks me for not giving up on her.
11 February 2009
- Leger site
- Created mock-up of site for her.

- COLA, Science Tech Banner

4 February 2009
- Iron Age Celts
- E-mailed Constanze. Waiting for reply
- Fixed flagon page problem.
- Cliff Haby PHP form
- Leger site
- Met with professor.
- Dreamweaver stuff for professors?
- Koike sent me more stuff
- Daniel wants to review it
28 January 2009
- D’Harcourt, Atlas
- Lots of little tweaks here and there
- Moved menu 3-5 times
- Moved header and resized.
- Made columns the same length
- Change text and colours
- Lots of little tweaks here and there
- Iron Age Celts
- E-mailed Constanze. Waiting for reply
- Cliff Haby PHP form
- Created PHP form which works.
- Does not work with e-mail address Cliff provided
- Working on the kinks
03 November 2008
- D’Harcourt, Atlas
- Working on:
- Added all content I received
- http://laits.utexas.edu/atlas
- Need to do:
- Add more content when sent
- Layout tweaks
11 November 2008
- Koike, SLCE site
- Working on:
- Making site more usuable
- Making new questions database
- Reordering Questions
- Need to do:
- Add space between question and answer to make easier to read
- Make final question not have “check answer”
- Working on:
5 November 2008
- Koike, SLCE site
- Working on:
- Making new questions database
- Making new answers database
- Reordering Questions
- Need to do:
- Add space between question and answer to make easier to read
- Make final question not have “check answer”
- Working on:
29 October 2008
- Texas Beyond History
- YAY FINISHED…until sent more content
- Koike, SLCE site
- Working on:
- Making new questions database
- Making new answers database
- Reordering Questions
- Need to do:
- Add space between question and answer to make easier to read
- Make final question not have “check answer”
- Working on:
- Iron Age Celts
- Constanze is busy and with back pain
- Ashlynn D’Harcourt site
- Still waiting for content and stuff
22 October 2008
- Texas Beyond History
- Finished all pages (with content) except for evidence.html (70% finished)
- Change the menu links through dreamweaver template. AHHH!
- Koike, SLCE site
- Re-order questions so that grouped by type: multiple choice, short answer, etc
- Add space between question and answer to make easier to read
- Make final question not have “check answer”
- Iron Age Celts
- Constanze still needs to e-mail me her bibliography
- Ashlynn D’Harcourt site
- Still waiting for content and stuff
08 October 2008
- Iron Age Celts
- Research for database. Fun stuff.
- Helped Kim some more with CSS stuff.
- Texas Beyond History
- Created all the “template” pages
- Finished with content except for ethnology pages
- Ashlynn D’Harcourt site
- Still waiting for content and stuff
- COLA Science, etc banner
01 October 2008
- Lorraine Pangle’s Site
- Met with her on Friday
- Updates done!
- Iron Age Celts
- Research for database. Fun stuff.
- Helped Kim some more with CSS stuff.
- Ashlynn D’Harcourt site
- Met with her on Friday
- Will make mockups when she sends me examples of sites that she likes
- STA Banner: Part 2
- It’s finished.
- Check it out: http://laits.utexas.edu/sta
24 September 2008
- Lorraine Pangle’s Site
- Update CV
- Update syllabuses
- Meet with her on Friday and upload changes to her site
- Iron Age Celts
- Helped Kim with CSS-ifying the site
- COLA Science Banner, Layout
- Header rough draft

- Colour scheme, layout stuff

17 September 2008
- Classics COLA Banner
- Finished!

- Iron Age Celts
- Research phase
- Helped Kim with CSS-ifying the site
- Find out about PHP database
- COLA Science Banner
- Still working on it
10 September 2008
- STA Portrait
- Finished!
- “Tweaking”
- Updated the FLP quiz with more answer choices
- Need to do:
- Waiting for more content/approval?
- Finished!
- Iron Age Celts
- Research phase
- Find out about PHP database
- Research phase
- Ming’s Site
- Proofreading for errors